Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Trust Vs Paranoia

What is the difference between trusting someone too much, and being paranoid about everything?
As I've been growing up, i have had all different types of boyfriends that i have felt paranoia towards; but it's at a point where paranoia and trust clash and get slightly confusing.

No matter how much you trust someone, even if it is completely, because you love them so much, you worry about them finding someone else who is your complete opposite, and they might find them either more attractive, or they may have a better personality; but all these things develop into paranoia.

I have a huge paranoia issues with my boyfriend, but i know deep down inside i completely trust him because i know that he would never cheat on me; but the thing is, yeah we've been going out almost a year, but im still getting to know him, and i dont know what he is like around other girls, which is why i get paranoid.

What to do:
The main thing i tell myself is that, 'He is going out with you because he wants to, and if he didn't want to be with you he wouldn't'. This keeps my head on track, but sometimes i do go off track on occasions; but i try my best to keep it in; doing this can sometimes bottle it up, ending in an explosion of hatred, so i dont recommend this.

What not to do:
To try and help yourself with paranoia, is to not look at their phones or go onto their Facebook/Social Networking websites as they are allowed to talk to other women, as we talk to other guys; but things can and most likely will be taken the wrong way, so its better for both of you if things are kept private.

Knowing a password:
If you know your boyfriends password, and you can feel yourself wanting to go onto it and check messages, ask them if they can change their password, so that you can't. If they dont know that you know their password, then it's all to do with self will; you really have to trust your relationship and simply ignore the urge to go onto it; like i do.

At some point in a relationship there will be texts or messages that need to be discussed with your partner, but the thing is to not rush off in a hot head, but to sit down and wait for him to tell you exactly what it is about without getting angry. If he can't make a valid excuse, or you know that he is lying, then maybe its time to move on.